To be a foundation that propels and properly educates, equips, empowers, and positions individuals to fulfill their assignment in God through biblical teaching and a Christian learning experience.
True Sanctuary of Praise Bible College & Seminary is an institution geared at propelling individuals toward their purpose by laying a scriptural foundation through training, education, and empowering believers for a lifetime of purposeful service to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
All True Sanctuary of Praise Bible College & Seminary certifications and/or degrees are centered on the Bible and of an ecclesiastical nature. They are designed to create a hunger & thirst for His Word and a proficiency of the Gospel.
Our courses of the Bible, Christian Counseling, Christian Education/Ministry, Discipleship, Divinity, and Leadership will equip and empower you to establish or further your Christian development and experience.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, NKJV).
TSOP Seminary and Bible College is centrally located in the Tampa Bay region. Students can dive deeper in God's word through TSOP courses in-person or online.
Our courses are centered on the Bible, which we believe to be the Word of the living God. Our endeavor is to create a hunger for His word and proficiency in the declaration of the gospel through proper communicative skills.
Our aim is to equip each student to impact their the world! Take a step of faith and APPLY today!